Mathias Wisdom
4 min readDec 8, 2021

3 Important C’s Of Marketing Contents

The ants are one of the wisest creatures on earth, they can easily detect and avert dangers and this makes it hard to gather a handful of them especially with their tiny nature. An ant farmer knows what to do to bring out the ants from their hiding holes. Why go ant hunting when the ants can easily come to you? Just drop some cubes of sugar or some sweeteners and the ants from their hideouts will find their way to your traps.

Every content writer is faced with the difficulty of developing ideas into finished creativity that are goal-oriented, attract client’s and induce sales. The whole writing process can take a period to fruition but just like the ant farmer, you can drop some sugar for your client. You don’t need to hunt for them when you have these content sweeteners.

It is not enough to write just anything but to write what can sell and attract clients.
Few ingredients can cook a delicious content write-up for you.



How are you able to pass your message to your audience? Most beautiful ideas end up with the wrong interpretation because of a malady in the clarity of the idea. The potential result that a writer looks up to is depleted when his audience does not understand what he is trying to convey. Every productive content must pass its message across in the most clarified format possible.
The purpose of every content must be driven in a crystal and obvious way that your audience does not find it difficult to comprehend and articulate the message and purpose of your content.

3 ways to ensure clarity of content

1) ENSURE USE OF SIMPLE WORDS: Simplicity is the key to every amazing content. No need to sound ambiguous. The use of excessive ambiguity and implied sentences can thwart the clarity of your message.

2) WRITE IN THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR AUDIENCE: Understanding your audience and the language they speak is very pivotal to ensuring clarity of content.

3) AVOID IMPLIED SENTENCES AND JARGONS: Do not assume your audience will understand what you are trying to convey. As much as you can don’t use implied sentences in your writing, avoid unnecessary use of jargon and cliches in your piece.

Simplicity is golden, it saves you a lot of stress and complexity. Keep every content as clear as possible to help your audience have a quick grasp of the purpose of your content.


This refers to the accurate conveying of your message, in a concise pattern and duration.
Your audience should be able to have a glimpse of what you are writing about in a few moments of reading your content. You do not have to keep them in prolonged suspense, else they may lose interest in what you are writing about.

3 Ways to Ensure your content are confused

1) MAKE IT SKIMMABLE: The truth about reading is that most people do not read a piece, line by line, hence your must make your content skim-friendly. Ensure the use of paragraphs and convey your points in the quickest way possible.

2) AVOID UNNECESSARY ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS: Adjectives and adverbs are cool but when and where they are not necessarily needed, don’t use them.

3) ITEMIZE YOUR POINTS OFTEN: Often make a list of your points and detail them further. Do not cluster your points, it makes your piece unnecessarily long.


Your write-up should have the ability to cause the reader to make decisions. This is the joy of content creators, so ensure that your content is not lacking this.

The goals of every marketing content are either to:
Create awareness
Educate and inform
Induce and increase sales.

The whole marketing process hopes to increase and induce patronage and this should not be left out in content consideration.

The impacts of these 3 elements on every marketing content cannot be over-emphasized. They serve as the primary base for the advancement and wide acceptance of every content marketing.

Mathias Wisdom
Mathias Wisdom

Written by Mathias Wisdom

Creative Content Creator and marketer

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