4 Types Of Copy Hooks That Work On Anyone

Mathias Wisdom
5 min readAug 13, 2022


Do you want to write copies that easily hit the sweet spot of your audience and increase your conversion rate?

Since you’re reading this article, it’s probably safe to assume that you sometimes struggle to get the attention of your audience or even get them to respond to the call to action.

You keep getting traffic but a high bounce rate and you are wondering what could be the problem.

Could it be the CTA or the body of the copy or the header?

The real issue is with the copy hook. Yes, you heard me. Your hooks are not strong enough to keep your audience glued till they obey the call to action.

As the world evolves, the attention span of most people drops. You cannot underestimate the lack of patience people have, especially in this new age.

When referring to websites, approximately half of all the viewers of that page abandon it if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. You lose half of your viewers because of 3 seconds.

If people don’t want to wait more than 3 seconds on a website, how can you expect them to trudge through a painfully slow/boring intro?

Are you struggling to pin down your audience to the end of the funnel? Then read till the end.

In this article, you are going to get a practical understanding of :

  • What a hook is
  • Three core purposes of a hook
  • Types of hooks that work on anyone

What is a hook?

A hook is a juicy catchphrase or sentence that keeps your audience glued till the bait is taken. It’s a way to stir up and retain the interest of your audience till conversion takes place.

This implies that hooks are not only meant to be at the top but also scattered all around the copy.

Have you ever been in love with someone? What’s that sweet pot line you feel could get their attention real quick?

That’s the hook.

So, even when you have gotten their attention, you need to retain their attention.

A friend of mine was so interested in this damsel but lacked the right words to get her attention. Each time I make an arrangement for them to meet, he ruins it.

Until He discovered that the lady he is in love with has difficulty in a certain course…Boom!!!!!!! The pain point became the hook…

Then he summoned the courage to meet this girl, and your guess is as good as mine.

Three core purposes of hooks

1) To grab attention

2) To retain attention

3) To facilitate the conversion rate

GRAB ATTENTION: The first point of duty for every hook you employ in your copy is to attract the attention of your target audience. This function is responsible for determining the low bounce rate.

The first sentence of your introduction is the first chance a writer has to capture the attention of the reader. It is supposed to work like a fisherman’s hook with bait to lure fish. Just after this session, we will look at the different kinds of bait you can use to hook your audience.

Furthermore, a hook sets the tone of a piece and determines the attention span of your audience.

RETAIN ATTENTION: Just like a fisherman’s hook, it does not only capture the fish, it always holds the fish till it gets into the hands of the fisherman. So imagine if the hook only captures the fish and lets it go just as the fisherman is pulling it out of the water. The same goes for copy hooks, they do not only capture your audience but also hook them untill they get to the end of the funnel. This means that the hook is not only meant for the introductory sentences but must be strategically positioned all through your audience’s journey to keep them going till the end.

FACILITATE CONVERSION: If the above-mentioned purposes are achieved, then conversion is made easy. The responsibility of hooks isn’t completed till the call to action is taken. Your hooks must glue your audience down till the point of conversion.


ADDRESS THEIR PAINPOINT: This works like magic, people are concerned about the solutions to their problems and not you. They want their problems solved, so you need to hit their pain point with the solution you offer. An effective hook should be able to answer the question in your audience’s heart or hook them till they find the answer they need.

OFFER COMFORT: Your audience NEEDS COMFORT and anything that will take away their stress. Offer them a solution that will make their work easier, take away stress, and give them pleasure. Use words that satisfy their quest for a comfortable and stress-free life. Hook your audience with words that make them think about the pleasure and emotional satisfaction they are about to get.

OFFER FINANCIAL PLEASURE: Hook your audience with discounts and how much they can save with your service. Give them financial reasons to buy your call to action. Is your copy offering them financial freedom or financial savings? This works on almost everyone. People will always go for the most cost-effective option, and you need to lean on that as a hook.

DEAL WITH OBJECTIONS: If you study your avatar and notice any potential objections to your call to action, you can turn these objections into a compelling hook to relieve the fear of these objections. You can use the “without statement” to deal with these potential objections. Offer them a money-back guarantee, security of their information, and any other objection that might come up.

FEAR OF MISSING OUT: Scarcity is what everyone wants to avoid. Nobody wants to miss out on anything important to them. The key to using this method effectively is to pair scarcity with popularity. Show evidence of how many people going for your service or product then imply a low stock or availability. This will motivate your target to act fast and not procrastinate.

CONCLUSION: Not to conclude in a harsh tone, but if you aren’t doing any of these, then you are in for a long ride in the wrong direction. Change your copy narratives and start enjoying the fulfillment that comes from writing copies that work.


