Covid 19 Pandemic: How Sparknow App Strengthened Relationships.
Nobody knew the world will shut down on the account of one deadly virus. The Covid 19 pandemic necessitated the locking down of economies, businesses, workplaces, schools, and even Churches.
The toll of this Covid 19 pandemic on relationships was that of a double face of a coin. It brought many distant relationships closer and made families stay together but viewing it the other way, it locked people away from each other, nobody could go out.
This reality implied that lovers could not meet themselves for long, so it felt like a long-distance relationship but within the same location.
The truth is that human behavior is not static; hence it can change pending on several factors and when you lack the best tips to use, you may lose the spark in your relationship.
More so, the reality of responsibilities has over time, taken a negative shift in our relationship. People work so hard that they forget their social life. People get so tired from work that they forget special days in their relationships. Most others, get bored with their partners and lack ideas about fun activities in relationships.
The Covid 19 pandemic, contributed majorly to the spike in relationship breakup and even crippled so many blossoming relationships.
However, the spark now app came to the rescue. Spark now the app is a relationship app with the sole aim and purpose of offering amazing relationship tips for couples to help them reignite the spark in their relationship.
Green testifies how the spark now app strengthened his relationship and savaged it from the clings of break up.
"My 2 years long distance relationship was on the verge of breaking up. The pandemic brought me back to the location of my fiancée. We had a lively time in the first two months because we have not been together for a long while and we were hopeful that the lockdown will end soon but the more we wait, the more the sweetness in our relationship was getting sour and boring. We were literally tired of ourselves because we were used to short visits only, due to the nature of our work.
I had to download the spark now app and it gave me ideas on indoors fun activities, gave me tips on how to handle my relationship and am glad our relationship blossomed again." GREEN
This was the testimony of Thomas,
" This has helped communication immensely since I started using this app for few weeks. My wife and i get along a lot better and chores are delegated smoothly and fairly. Our sexy time has greatly improved also, to my surprise. Things has been funnier than usual. Looking forward to future updates." THOMAS
Dana, a lovable wife was tagged a nag by her husband until the duo got the spark now app. She said " Ever since we have used spark, our relationship has been so stress-free! In the past, I would complain to my husband that he never meet my needs and he would complain that I nag him too much! But now we have Sparked to remind each other of our wants and needs, I don’t feel that void of him not meeting mine anymore and he doesn’t feel I nag anymore. This app has brought the Spark back into our relationship" DANA
The unique thing about the Spark Now app is that it features long-distance relationships and close-distance relationships, marital and premarital relationships too.
Look at the testimony on a user,
" This app is like heaven to us. My boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship, he works hard and I also have two jobs. Sometimes we are so tired or busy that time goes by and we forget to call each other. Spark reminder helps. Also, not together making it hard to physically go out on dates, so I love the surprises and date night features." MIMI
This app is the ultimate tool that enhances your relationship in every way possible. From intimacy, communication, and overall productivity. Spark Now will be the best app you’ll use to keep that spark going in your relationship!
However, the duo lovers need to work on implementing the reminders, have open and clear communication, and be on the same page about expectations. The Spark now app, gives suggestive ways to keep improving your relationship amidst other factors that can bolster your relationship.
Your relationship needs to consistently spark up. Go download the spark now app right away to experience and reignite the fire in your relationship.