Losing grip on your Sweet relationship is what no one wants to experience. The pain of losing a nice person hits differently.
Are you on the verge of losing your relationship?
I was on the verge of losing my joy giver, a tall, fair, beautiful lady whose character was compatible with mine, hard working, and most importantly a motivator.
We were looking forward to ceiling our relationship together in a short while, not till things started falling apart.
She got a new role and traveled out of the country and I too equally became excessively busy, that I forget important dates in our relationship.
Our relationship grew cold because I lost motivation for the relationship, I wish I could make this better but I didn't know what to do.
Until I downloaded the spark now app. A relationship app.
I bet you, that app will spike the fire in your relationship.
You will not have to think about forgetting special dates in your relationship or which SMS to send to your spouse per time.
I know you need relationship tips on how to make your relationship work amidst distance and odd circumstances.
Your relationship can work if you have the right motivation.
Hit the link, and
get your relationship to cloud 9😍h