Understanding Digital Aesthetics In The 21st Century Web/App Designs
The 21st century is marked with a lot of new trends in digital products development. These new trends have caused a shift from what it used to be to a more enhanced outlook. The impacts of these new trends have changed the narrative of aesthetical considerations when it comes to the development of digital products.
Digital products are intangible soft products which are software enabled and exists on digital form, sustaining a problem solving capacity. This could be in form of: an app, a website, an online platform and any item which can be electronically stored in a file or multiple files.
One of the key considerations before the commencement of the development of any digital product is the aesthetics of such product. Digital aesthetics is a digital product’s design principle that emphasizes the design’s eye-appealing qualities. In simpler terms, digital aesthetics refers to the total outlook, arrangement, and organization of the interface of a digital product. This is the artistic dimension of a digital product. Sean Cubitt defines digital aesthetics as a mediated experience of time, which is to say aesthetics goes beyond merely look and feel, rather it is the user’s experience as they engage with the interface. Digital aesthetics is the visual appearance of a digital product.
Visual design aesthetics in the context of digital experience design are composed of many smaller parts such as balance, typography, imagery, layout, lines and shape, color, movement, pattern, scale, shape, visual weight, etc.
The aesthetical communication of a digital product is pivotal in determining the perception of the users of the product towards such product. The implication of this is that people get first impressed by a digital product based on the interface. However, this may or may not have a generally negative or positive effect on the utilization of the product given the principle of individual difference but the impacts of good aesthetics in a digital product cannot be undermined.
What induces the first impression of a digital product user especially in a competitive market?
The 21st-century market is marked with intense competition. The Digi-market in the 21st century is witnessed with photocopies of values and utility. Hence any product designer must find a unique aesthetical niche. I will like to emphasize that, both value and aesthetics are very important in enhancing the utility and impression of any digital product. Digital products are indeed delivered by a series of codes but they are meant to be used by people. Therefore, people’s perception should be of priority in your designs and the development of digital products. A product’s aesthetics can influence the brand’s credibility and perception.
Look at this scenario, a young nursing mother, rushed to the market to buy a gown for her baby girl. On getting to the market, she sees so many beautiful gowns but low quality but finally settle for one with quality that can fit her baby but she has one issue with the gown, the color is navy blue and she needs baby pink color for her girl. She was almost going to buy it like that when she spotted a baby pink gown in the next shop. Well, your guess is as good as mine on her next step.
In a Digi-competitive market, value or utility alone may not be able to attract the volume of users you need and aesthetics alone may not be able to sustain continuous usage of your product. Finding the balance between the two is pivotal to the implementation of an awesome user experience This implies that both value and aesthetics are core essentials of any digital product in the 21st century. The user experience of a digital product is driven through aesthetics down to value/utility and need satisfaction. So it’s not enough to have a beautiful product without the ability to meet up the expected satisfaction of the user.
1) What do I really want to communicate?
2) Where do I want to lay my emphasis?
3) Who are my potential users?
4) What could be their perception of my choice of aesthetics
5)Does my aesthetics connect with the value intents of the product?
The answers to these questions, will help you create a better aesthetics and interface.
One of the powerful ways to enhance and influence the user’s experience is to leverage the visual power of colors. Colors say a lot about your products. Imagine designing a relationship app with gray color, it won’t fit into the purpose of the app, the red color would have been a better alternative.
Check out this relationship app https://www.sparknowapp.com/
Colors evokes emotions and makes your users emotionally attached to your products.
The textual contents of a digital product are imperative in determining its user flow experience. The choice of font types and font sizes helps lay emphasis and enhances the beauty of the product’s interface.
The organization of the texts is another constant consideration every product designer should engage. This here is why you need the services of a content creator.
ANIMALZ has the kind of quality and human resources you need to create an awesome user experience using text. Check https://www.animalz.co/
There should be a consistent visual balance via your interface. The placement of your contents should be in a consistent alignment. This will help the user sustain a pattern while using your product.
The choice of images, graphical content, is core to determining the user experience and aesthetics of your product. Images say a lot about your product and can send the wrong signs when the wrong images or graphics are used.
Make it easier for your users to find what they are looking for. Structure your interface in a manner that the user does not find it difficult to navigate through your product. The tabs, pop-ups, links, and navigation buttons should be provided in such a way that the user finds it easy to flow during the usage of your product.